Ooooo: Son Of Nor Has Terraforming, Fire Tornadoes
Oh my, this is a nice surprise. Son of Nor bills itself as an action-RPG with "challenging puzzles, dynamic sand manipulations, and an innovative magic system," but honestly, it looks like Avatar: The Last Airbender: The First Good Game. For the uninitiated, that means magical telekinetic-ish elemental powers - including the ability to raise and lower the desert's sands as you see fit. Also, I feel like - as a child - I would've engaged with math on a much more intrinsic level if it'd included such examples as "Fireball + Sandstorm = Fire Tornado." There's apparently co-op in there as well, and - though it's super early in development - it all looks impressively explosive and heavy hitting. At any rate, you + the break = trailer watching. So do that.
Still Alive Studios is chronicling the story of Nor's development over on its blog. So far, there's only one entry and no release date. Apparently, though, we're in for co-op spell combos and "huge bosses." Am I detecting tangy hints of Magicka in this Avatar and From Dust souffle? I sure hope so. Regardless, I will be watching this one eagerly. Oh yes.
Thanks, Indie Games.