Orange Boxes are Not the only Fruit
Yes, we know. You'll all playing a certain game. We understand; we are too. But there's other games you should be keeping your eye on, so tear your vision away from the Heavy cackling as he opens fire and failing to understand when the medic uses the charged up invulnerability thing on you you are invulnerable, so you should act like it rather than sitting in cover. Psch!
Since Jim and my reviews won't be online for a while, we thought it worth directing you towards Dan Whitehead's Eurogamer review of World in Conflict. Jim and I, while we'd have probably leaned heavier on Frankie Goes to Hollywood gags, mostly concur - though I'd argue its more than just Ground Control III, as Dan tends to argue. Multi-player excels, single-player just about gets away with it. Talking personally, it's probably my favourite RTS of the year so far and this was before I even got to wear the hat. Out Friday in the UK.
Oh, okay. You can go now. We've kept you from TF2 for long enough. And to satisfy your urges in that direction, here's a link to Tom Bramwell's Eurogamer review of said Valve-online shooter to keep you amused until we've finalized exactly what we're going to do about the assorted Orange Box games (Clue: A stupidly large amount).