Project Origin Stuff Originates
What do we want from Monolith's ropey-named sequel to F.E.A.R.? Apart from less full-stops, obviously. More outdoorsmanship, more personality, more shocks, a much wider variety of angry men, please.
New screenshots suggest big robots. Happy-time! But what does the latest trailer suggest? Clicky below to find out.
More heavy reliance on the little girl with long, black hair who's like her of out of The Ring still being scary by rotating her head slowly and flickering in and out of existence. Wuh-oh. You're gonna have to give Alma a lot more bite to make my stiff upper lip quiver, Monolith - though I'm sure the real frights are being kept under lock and key for now. Still, the scenes of outdoor apocalypse are pleasingly straight outta Sarah Connor's nightmares, and the gibbering, evaporating madmen are pretty creepy.
There's much more P.O. up on the brand new 'community' site for the game, including a fun couple of devblog videos (the first of which features a sequence of men giggling and naming their favourite FPS weapons of all time) and a haul of fruity-fresh screenshots.