Out(break): A Virus Named TOM
Few people know this, but Rock, Paper, Shotgun was only started after Jim, Alec, Kieron and I were fired from our jobs working for a super-secret underground laboratory, responsible for a utopian society. In our rage and fury, we sought to take revenge against this unjust action by creating a website about PC games. We're playing the long game. It happens to also be the plot of puzzler A Virus Named TOM, that is out today. And it has the best trailer.
The puzzler, in which you must infect circuits with your virus in order to break down society, is already available in beta form on Desura for £7. Then there's the Steam version, currently without a price, and due to unlock this evening. Or, you can get it from the developers, using the Humble Store, for just £4.80. That sounds best to me, and with that option you also get a Steam key, which works on Steam now even though it's not released yet. Huh.
We're going to take a look and get back to you with our thoughts soon. But meanwhile, here's a really brilliant trailer: