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Paradox's International Elf Service

I kept on meaning to go back to Russian developer Ino-Co's spectacularly derivatively named Fantasy Wars, but i didn't get any further than the demo. Tim Stone liked it though. But Paradox appear to be offering a second bite - they've announced they'll be selling Elven Legacy from the same company, which is clearly an updated spanglified a-slightly-better-name Fantasy Wars. I caught the notice over at Strategy Informer, but I also noticed that they hadn't lobbed up a load of the press shots. So I did. Like so:

Looks a lot like Fantasy Wars to me. Assorted promises from the press release include "a thrilling nonlinear storyline", "an epic quest to restore the former glory of the Elven race", "two primary campaigns" and playing as an orc in the bonus missions. Plus tools to make own missions and a start of 2009 release date.

Randomly while in games people appear to be able to say things like "an epic quest to restore the former glory of the XXXX race" and be acceptable as heroes, people who do it in the real world are Daily Mail readers at worse and Nazis at best. Fantasy, eh?

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