Most Logical: Kickstarted Pathologic Remake On The Cards
A welcome plague
This makes almost too much sense. Yet I almost don't want it to happen. Mysterious, infamous survival game Pathologic's power stems more from its legend (a game of existential brutality that reached for the very stars) than its reality (broken, arduous, appallingly translated); to bring it onto a more conventional plane of reality by remaking it, and in turn by having lots of people play it, could upset its mythology.
On the other hand, Pathologic. It matters.
This might not ultimately happen anyway, and there certainly isn't any hint of a date by which it would all happen, but devs Ice Pick Lodge have declared their plans for a Pathologic 'resuscitation' on VK (a sort of Russian Facebook equivalent), and appear to be in the process of making a pitch video.
Here's what's been written, via the wondrous mangling of Google Translate. Mora, crucially, is a mistranslation of 'Mopa', a short-form of the Russian title for Pathologic.
Friends. We initiate resuscitation Mora. Make this game will be very difficult. Magnitude of the task to which we swung far exceed our resources. Therefore, we will refer to your help whenever possible. first task that faces us - Kick training [this appears to be a mistranslation of 'Kickstarter']. We will need to shoot a few commercials for-page application.
- 1 - For the first of them, we need to remove the massive short scene: a large room ( former workshop), lie on the floor in rows people sheltered sheets. Need 40-50 people. Each requires a white sheet (with no patterns, no stripes, no flowers!), Preferably not new, it is possible with holes. Need to wear clothes not very good: we'll have 10 minutes to lie down on the floor is not very clean, the mattress will not. If does not reach 20 people, shooting cancel.
- 2 - For the second movie, we need to select some of the most outstanding (including from your point of view) examples of fan art: art, cosplay, video. This fan art (distinguished by the level of performance!) To gather in one place (here, ) and in good quality. Much of what once came across our network, in this group there but much work is presented here in a depressingly low resolution. Nikita, maybe you have some ideas - it is better to collect?
- 3 - Besides this we need people with fluent spoken English, ready to talk about the game at the camera: it is good to those accumulated at least ten, but better - more. We look forward to you!
That's basically where we stand - there'll be a shoot on Saturday, if enough people turn up. If you're going to be in Moscow that day and own a white sheet, get yourself to 'Tverskaya street, 7 (Central Telegraph)' at 9am. Good luck, brave sheet-wearing people.
There's also this teaser image, origin unknown but relevance entirely clear:
This won't be Ice Pick's first attempt at Kickstarter, from which Knock Knock turned out rather well, but this is surely an extremely ambitious and expensive undertaking. WE WILL BE WATCHING.