Perry Predicts 70mil User MMO
Talking to new blog on the block, David "Used-To-Run-Shiny" Perry said "“It’s extremely nerdy, World Of Warcraft", by way of explaining why the fantasy MMO hasn't already headed off into the realms of tens of millions of players.
“I believe there’s a 70 million player MMO idea and no one’s done it yet because we haven’t got anyone that’s thinking down the Will Wright path,” he said. “There’s people that get close. There’s people that do Club Penguin, or Maple Story, games that are more simple to play, and people like Disney buy them for $500-$600 million and no one bats an eyelid and everyone goes off and makes another Bioshock.
Perry went on to say that his free-to-play MMO, 2Moons, now has five million people signed up to play.