Physics! Watch Some Cars Tumble Down A Mountain
BANG! thudthudtund scraaaaaaaaaPPPPPPEEEEE bonk EWasssssssWWWWWWWWWWWWWSD crunch crunch moreeeeeeeeeeeee scrappppppppppping phut phut clanggggg crunch twang bonkkkk thuddddaddaddd twang carfallingdownmountainsounds bonk.
Just a little bit of New Game Journalism for you, there. It's been a while. I'm attempting to convey the emotion of vehicles tumbling down the side of a very steep mountain. Did you feel it? Did it put you into the mind of a cage of crunching metal, where the bones of the car are twisted and gnarled, and its heavy skin is clawed at by rocky outcrops of pointed stone? Be the car, people. Be the car.
Before you wonder where it is you can buy such a game, and I actually would happily pay a couple of pounds where I can just toss those vehicles down a hill provided I could pause the scene and move the camera, I'm here to say you can't yet. It's just a demonstration of BeamNG's tech for whatever they're building. They've not yet said. It previously had the suspicious whiff of middleware, but it looks like they've realised just quite the fun little thing they could have here and turned it into something.
Oh my, they have Oculus Rift support. I'm not sure how I feel about that after seeing this video.