Plantarium: The Best RPS Author Plant Names
Spring blooms
Arriving just a little too late for Alice's Screen Saver Jam roundup was this gem from Daniel Linssen. It's called Plantarium [Itch page] and it generates these organic-looking branches. I think I see them as more coral-like than plants but they're really lovely.
I know that screen savers and generation tools tend not to have a win state but today I'm feeling belligerent so let's try to find a way someone can win at Plantarium.
I'm going to type in the names of the full-time hive mind and we can vote on whose name seed leads to the best coral/plant/growth!
Philippa (VOTE FOR PIP)
Alice (do not vote for Alice)
Graham (do not vote for Graham)
Adam (do not vote for Adam)
John (do not vote for John)
Alec (do not vote for Alec)
Horace (do not vote for Horace)
Just leave a comment to vote for your favourite! (Philippa)