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Playful: Smart People Plus RPS-Games-Ramble

Completely forgot to mention this. The Thinkosium - sold out within hours and we've just had the final guest confirm, who's a splendid addition - is obviously the biggie, but there's more to RPS and the London Games Fringe than that. I'm actually speaking at Playful, which is a day long event on the 31st of October where various chaps and chapesses have a good old ramble. And there's a video of me yabbering beneath the cut about what I plan to speak about...

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Kieron Gillen talks Playful:Game Design London from Toby Barnes on Vimeo.

Also, anyone who fancies having a good old stalk can hyper-analyse what books I've got on my shelves.

Tickets are twenty-five quid a shot and here's the full list of speakers...

09:30 Intro: Toby Barnes (Pixel-Lab)
09:40 James Wallis (Spaaace)
10:00 Roo Reynolds (BBC)
10:20 Tanya Kryzwinska (Brunel University)
10:40 Eric Clough (212box)
11:00 Break
11:20 Adrian & Dan Hon (six to start)
11:40 Chris Delay (Introversion)
12:00 David G. Surman
12:20 Jolyon Webb (Blitz)
12:40 Electroplankton Orchestra
13:15 Alex Fleetwood (Sandpit / Hide and Seek Festival)
13:35 Tom Armitage (Headshift)
13:55 Matthew Irvine Brown (
14:15 Eric Zimmerman (Game lab)
14:40 Break
15:10 Matt Biddulph (Dopplr)
15:30 Iain Tate (poke London)
15:50 Kars Alfrink (
16:10 Kieron Gillen

So lots of terribly clever people, plus me. Man!

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