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Playpen: Wiki-rah-rah!

Jack de Quidt directs us at Farbs' (Mr Captain Forever) new project. It's called Playpen. It's basically a wiki-isation of a storytelling pixel game. So you explore this pixel-world, clicking on hotspots. If you find yourself inspired, you can click into edit, and add your own pixel art to the design, or other hot-spots. These can link to new locations or just provide a bit of text. I can't wait to see what results and - as evidenced above - have already contributed to the world. Farbs should feel lucky that I didn't just do what we used to do on screenshots back in my magazine days and draw an enormous urinating phallus over it. There wasn't a new screenshot of a much anticipated game which passed through our hands without being emblazoned with some manner of a cock. "Oh no! What are Id thinking? Why have they put a gigantic penis on their latest Quake 3 grab?" we cried. Smartest men in games journalism, us. Er... anyway! Go have a nose around Playpen. It really is delightful.

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