Please Wear A Seatbelt: Death Road Out Tomorrow
I'm not entirely convinced I'd like to deliberately steer my vehicle anywhere called Death Road. Perhaps I'm being old-fashioned and twee, but there's just something about the name I find offputting. I can't put my finger on it, it's just a feeling. That is the rather direct name given to what I'm going to generously call a "WipEout-inspired racer", coming to PC tomorrow. You can see a trailer of it below, and then say, "No, that's not WipEout, that's..."
I'm most enamoured by the music, which manages to avoid the usually bombastic thumping dance that accompanies such games. Although who knows if the trailer cuts off just before the WUB WUB kicks in. the game - well, it's a shame they released a trailer of such smudgy, low-res footage. Let's leave it there.
Er, did that say that it's released on the 30th of the 111th? I think it did. I'm fairly sure we stop our calendars at 12 before it's time to trade them in for a new one.
You know what would be great, though? A racing sim that actually went across "Death Road", Yungas Road in Bolivia:
Or would that be gross?