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Pond offers a little space for skimming stones

Splish splish plop

Today feels like a day for small games and quiet games so I have been keeping Brendan Keogh's Pond [ page] open in a browser and skimming stones along its surface as a reward for each email I send.

Pond was made for the Slow Game Jam and takes the screen resolution and colour palette of the GameBoy Color. There's not much to it and you can only really control the direction you throw a stone in and the spin you put on the stone if you change hand. Some plop into the pond and sink immediately and others scud across the screen and off into the imaginary expanse of the water. But the ambient noise is nice and the whole thing has this low-res restful charm to it.

There's also a Mac version and a Windows version you can download but the browser version is suiting me fine.

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