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Post-Gothic: Risen

The Gothic series often gets mentioned in comments here (usually while you lot are slagging off other RPGs), at which point the RPS hivemind has to don a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses and sneak away while no-one's looking. We are none of us, you see, terribly familiar with the much-adored German RPG series - which just about makes us Antichrists in the eyes of the cRPG devout. I have a dim and distant memory of suffering almost immediate brutal murder when dabbling with Gothic II years ago, but that's about it. One day, when I have 100 hours to spare, I'll catch up. One day.

Until then, all I can do is point hopefully at the announcement of Risen, a brand new RPG and setting from Gothic devs Piranha Bytes.

Risen info is largely remaining sunken until Leipzig later in the month, but we get this brief summary:

The game’s protagonist is shipwrecked after a storm and finds himself on a mysterious island. An active volcano dominates the scene. Ancient temple ruins have recently risen from the ground, and bizarre creatures infest the island.

Which sounds like a perfect setup for a jolly adventure. And one hopefully free of Tolkienistic standards, too. With RPGs very much back in the ascendant at the moment, we can surely add this to the list of promising future-toys.

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