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Postal III Depicts Wanton Apple Theft

I posted recently about the reappearance of Postal III - a game that's seemingly been in development for seven years, and still hasn't committed to a release date. I also pointed out that we've seen relatively little footage for a long time, and that which we have seen hasn't really shown us much of the controversy that has made the series far more famous than it probably deserves to be. So thank goodness, eh, because a collection of new videos have finally arrived. They're all collected by Gametrailers, and are below. And you should be warned, the footage contains apple scrumping.

Of course there's also tastelessly cartoonish Taliban enemies to fight, Uwe Boll to help or kill, and some pan-racial racism. Oh, and "mopping jizz". It's looking to be a bit more divided into distinct levels, rather than Postal 2's more sandbox weirdness. I think we can safely assume the HUD is placeholder for now, and the game is currently set for some time next year. (It's definitely not reasonable for me to find it a bit funny when the developer demonstrating the game keeps complaining about its apparent unfairness.) The new website for the game is here.

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