Project Godulous: Reprisal Universe
Let sleeping Gods lie
Almost three years ago to the day, Reprisal appeared and I saw that it was good. Firmly in the terraforming tradition of God game Godfather Populous, Reprisal is a game of powers and control over tiny little warring tribes. The free version is still available to play and it may act as a perfect antidote for any poor souls inflicted with a severe case of projectile Godus. The expanded commercial release is due on September 15th and it's looking tasty.
While Reprisal Universe may be a denomination of the Populous faith rather than an entirely fresh creation, it appears to have enough new doctrines to represent at least a reformation of sorts. The most intriguing aspect, as I see it, is the changing nature of the lands that players visit and conquer.
Created in homage to Populous, Reprisal's Universe spans over 34 planets and 184 islands pitting you against 3 other tribes - each with their own aggression traits. Learn to control the 15 totem powers, upgrading them as you explore and harness the 5 Wonder totems for maximum effect. In this Universe you won't be alone, other explorer’s will be present helping you to uncover items and leaving their own legacy’s on islands you will explore.
I am preparing to ascend in anticipation.