Protecting The Eggs Of Freedom: Morty Koots
Mordy Koots describes itself as "the world's first MOGIE (Movie Over Game Integrated Entertainment)". While I don't believe for a second that it's the first, it's possibly the first to be done with the support of a broadcast network. It's an Australian project by brothers Shane and Clayton Jacobson along with producer Jim Shomos, about an overweight, brash World War II pilot who sounds fresh from New York. The reason we're mentioning it? The action is greenscreened onto footage created in Heroes Over Europe and Blazing Angels.
The trailer is pretty funny. Not exactly sophisticated - it's a fat guy saying stupid things in a plane - but there's some decent one liners. I especially like, "People call me a hero. I'm not a hero. I'm just doing what Napoleon would have done." And indeed, "Morty Koots does not fear war. War fears Morty Koots. You see war, you ask it."
There's to be 10 three minute episodes, starting in November, and broadcast on ninemsn's website in Australia, and then presumably on YouTube for the rest of the world moments later.
(A random aside: Ubisoft, who publish both Heroes Over Europe and Blazing Angels, appear to have entered some bizarre denial that the latter ever came out for PC. It certainly did, and you can buy it for £4 should you wish. But search through their list of PC games and it's expunged. The game's own site only acknowledges it came out on PS3 and Wii (which happened a year after the rest of the formats saw it in 2006), but the main Ubi site still admits to Xbox and 360 versions. But the PC? IT NEVER HAPPENED. Which is odd. Oh, and don't forget Jim's thoughts on Heroes Over Europe here.)
Here's the trailer:
Thanks to Thiefsie for the tip. Although he probably doesn't approve of my finding it funny.