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The Rock Paper Shotgun logo repeated multiple times on a purple background
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Another game to keep an eye on in 2008 is Prototype from Radical Entertainment. While their development history is a bit patchy, they did make the awesome The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, which gives me great hope for prototype. Where Hulk was all about going mad in an urban environment, so Prototype is a kind of hyper-accelerated free-running, with the superhuman protagonist fighting and leaping his way through a futuristic New York city. Think Assassin's Creed starring a superhuman shape-shifter. If they can avoid draping the action in knuckle-gnawing exposition it might actually be good fun too...

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Thanks, Game Trailers. You're our favourite superhuman amnesiac.

We're hoping to bring you some more news on Prototype after Christmas.

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