Pseudo-Vegetables: Science Girls Demo
The demo for Science Girls is an interesting combination of weirdness, amateurish hacky writing, scientific pedantry, and utter rubbish. Sort of an RPG, you play a girl at a Japanese school who teams up with the rest of the Science Club to fight off the attacks of some peculiar plant-like creatures.
"They're not plants!" as one of the girls keeps crying, the central theme of the game apparently being some smart-arses bickering about the vagaries of pseudo-science. Occasionally you're asked questions by the other girls, who then snippily pick apart your answer with a tone of disgust. But most of the time you're engaged in some of the most awful RPG battles ever committed to barely animated Manga gibberish.
It's fun for all the family, we're assured, but you'll have to draw your own conclusions about who wants to play a crappy fighting sim featuring wide-eyed girls in school uniforms. Oddly the redeeming feature is the idiotic dialogue as the rival scientists snap at each other over the failures in their scientific rigour, while discussing mutant killer plants. ("They're not plants!") It randomly tries to teach you about the classification of plants, or the nature of rocket propulsion, but without really warning it's about to, and delivering it all as if you're being told off by the cooler kids. Bonkers.