Psychedelic episodic adventure Baobab's Mausoleum continues this month in '1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive'
... What's an Ovnifago?
I'm not quite sure how I missed the original release of Baobab's Mausoleum (Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingoes, as covered on RPS here), but just about everything I'm seeing of this strange genre-blending adventure tickles my fancy, from the overt Space Funeral inspiration to the Twin Peaks/Deadly Premonition compound weirdness right up to the Russian surf-music soundtrack.
I'll absolutely have to go back to catch up on the first episode now, as a release date and trailer have just rolled out for the second chapter, '1313 Barnabas Dead End Drive', due this February 22nd.
Continuing the saga of vampire eggplant and FBI agent Watracio Walpurgis, the second chapter will have you delve deeper into the mysteries of Flamingo's Creek, a ghostly and nonsensical town in a seemingly equally weird world. It feels like any attempt to write about this game automatically sounds like word salad, which feels oddly appropriate given it's aubergine protagonist.
Among the features promised in this second trip around Flamingo's Creek is a full day/night cycle. Interrogate the locals by day, avoid getting eaten by Ovnifagos by night. As in the original game, it looks like it'll be switching between perspectives and even genres on a whim. I've got a certain strange admiration for the kind of developer that so fully commits to pursuing incomprehensibility. If nothing else, these episodes have damn good trailers.
Developer Celery Emblem and publishers Zerouno Games hope to bring you a fresh shot of damn good coffee and no shortage of strangeness soon. You can wishlist the second episode on Steam here, and it should be rolling out on February 22nd, assuming nothing too strange happens to it along the way.