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Build A Warship: Psycho Starship Rampage Alpha Demo

Bang bang

Do you like games where you build and customise a spaceship then use it to blow up other spaceships? Psycho Starship Rampage [official site] is one of those games. Creators Ballistic Frogs call it a "a tactical space shooter with rogue-like mechanisms", but you can see for yourself by downloading and playing the free alpha demo available now.

Psycho Starship Rampage sees a sentient warship AI waking up deep in space after years of slumber, and fighting to return to central command. Ships you blast can be scavenged, then bolted onto yourself with a fancy ship editor. That's the core of the campaign, obviously, but it also has local multiplayer so folks can test ship designs against each other, or all use the same ship to see who's the best pilot. Sounds good, that.

Ballistic Frogs make clear the game's still relatively far from release, waiting on loads more equipment and weapons, more varied levels, and new music and sound. That's why they've released a demo - to gather feedback.

It comes as a plain old standalone for 64-bit Windows, or a Java version that works on Mac and Linux too.

Psyco Starship is due later this year, and expected to cost £9.99. It's trying to crack Steam Greenlight too.

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