Puzzle Quest: Galactrix
While, as evidenced, Jim was running around like a TF2 scout at GDC, he didn't see everything. GameSpot UK managed to get some time seeing the new Puzzle Quest spin-off, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix. ENVY. We possess ENVY.
Putting aside the Euro-Sci-Fi graphics, the biggest change is that the game's based around a hex-based board with a more unusual gravity. For example, in a deep space level with no gravity, the gems will fall in the direction they've been matched, rather than just straight on down. Which makes sense. As it's in space, and there's only momentum and stuff. Also, instead of a single character class, you can gain different ships, which act like proxy character classes, with individual bits and pieces. They haven't mentioned anything about there being no cheating, but we suspect there won't be any, as there never was. No, really.
There's also footage for the game, which features Puzzle Quest designer Steve Fawkner talking about the game in an impressively fashionable leather jacket. At least for a game designer, anyway. That's here.