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Pyroblazer Trailer

Now Pyroblazer is looking a bit creaky on the tech front, but this trailer suggests that their level (or track, as it's a racing game) designers have no shortage of imagination to flesh out this futuristic racer. I've tried to pin down why I'm such a sucker for explosion-drenched futuristic racers before, and I think it's to do with the sheer gaminess of them - speed, sparks, missiles, flying down magnetic pipes, all those things I don't tend to when piloting my Fiat Punto around the lanes of Somerset. Anyway, you can raise your own eyebrow at the goings on and dodgy magma textures of Pyroblazer in the trailer that follows...

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It's about this time in the post that I mentioned flawed speedy not-quite-masterpiece Ballistics. I still have that installed for some reason.

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