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Raiders of the Broken Planet shows 4v1 action

From the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow folks

Ooh I'd entirely missed that MercurySteam, the gang behind Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, are making a 4v1 shooter. Raiders of the Broken Planet [official site] is its name, and asymmetric sci-fi shoot-o-brawling is its game. Four players are off adventuring across an alien world, completing missions and duffing up AI-controlled baddies, while t'other can join games as 'the Antagonist' to sabotage their missions. That sounds potentially a lark. Here, have a look at how that works in this recent trailer:

Watch on YouTube

Or if you prefer words to moving pictures, here's the blurb from MercurySteam:

"While playing co-operatively, players run the risk of having an Antagonist join their game, to stop them from achieving their objective. The Antagonist can select any character from the Raiders roster and is able to see which characters the Raiders team selects. This gives the Antagonist the opportunity to pick a character whose strengths and weaknesses are tailored towards the opposition. Combined with the shifting objectives, complex enemy AI and dynamic characters, the Antagonist is another element that makes the outcome of matches impossible to predict as both sides do everything they can to win."

Yeah, I'll give that a go. Heck, if I sign up for the beta, maybe I can do that soon.

Raiders of the Broken Planet finally comes to my attention today through another trailer, one explaining the story more. I think it's broadly: alien technology found on one of Saturn's moons lets people blast off far away, where they get stuck and start fighting to secure magic space-energy and a way home. Sci-fi stuff.

No firm word yet on when Raiders of the Broken Planet will launch.

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