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Raising The Bar: Dead Synchronicity

Amnesiac's apocalypse

John has already written about Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today. It's a promising point and click adventures so, try as we might, it was impossible to prevent him from singing the praises it was due when the project arrived on Kickstarter. With 18 days left on the clock and $30,000 to raise, the Kickstarter is still a good distance from the finish line in both senses. Updates have been regular though and the latest combines my two greatest loves - artistic creation and a barman. Both tend to the spirits.

I haven't played the demo because I'm a busy man about town with galactic civilisations to rule and wonderful ages to witness, but if your gaming schedule isn't quite as tightly packed it may well be worth a look. Without any further ado, here's that barman.

A $15 pledge will secure a copy of the game when it releases around the end of the year (provisionally).

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