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Randy Balma: Municipal Abortionist

Already rendered fragile by a bank holiday weekend during which I didn't leave the house once and only conversed with one other human being, this was quite probably the worst game I could have played. Found via TIGSource, it's half art experiment, half game and all punishment. It's a sequence of aesthetically torturous and fairly difficult mini-games, peppered with clashing colours, unforgiving controls and angular, metallic noises aimed dead-centre at the brain's pain-spots.

That said, I haven't in fact been beyond the opening GTA-esque bus-driving stage, in which the controls keep changing on me, cars spontaneously explode into rainbow-clouds of pain and collisions can randomly turn me around - and getting myself back on course is a horrific endeavour based mostly on chance. I actually hate it. I really, really hate it. But, at the same time, I also find it very funny. Really, it's impossible not to have at least a little love for any game whose introduction involves the protagonist announcing he's 'drugged up on drugs'. Unfortunately, I now feel sick and tired and confused and I can't hack it long enough to reach the other mini-games, though I hear they're better. Is there a point to it? You tell me.

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