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Raptorous Applause: Dino D-Day Hits Steam

Multiplayer World War 2-With-Dinosaurs fever dream Dino D-Day has landed on Steam, available now for the price of $20. With 26 different WW2 weapons, 9 human classes and 3 dinosaur classes (Velociraptor, Dilophosaur and Desmatosuchus) you're guaranteed literally minutes of fun. Perhaps more if the game is any good! Launch trailer after the jump.

Perhaps it's because the developers can't release a screenshot without it being posed, or a trailer without it being scripted, but I can't yet bring myself to flip open my Steam press account and give this one a try. Maybe after lunch, when I can start drinking. Yes. That sounds like a plan. Also, the devs totally missed a trick not calling the Four Pack they're selling on the Steam page "Jurassic Pack". Fools!

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EDIT: Oh look! Total Biscuit's played it. Take it away, TB.

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