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Recall Concept Is Time-Controlling FPS

The shining miracle of content-unearthing that is Pixel Prospector forwarded us this earlier today, and it's quite exciting. Recall, which you can see in action below, is a time-rewinding FPS concept. A neat idea that takes things a little further than Timeshift. Essentially it's Braid in 3D, but it really gets going when the character stops time and uses time-frozen mid-air blocks that have stopped mid-fall as platforms to get somewhere. If famed concept-nappers Valve aren't turning their talent-suction machine at this for inclusion in Portal 3 or similar, I'll be surprised, sad, and a little bit indignant. Not unlike my cat.

Serendipitously, it's also the exact concept I need to finish off a stalled piece about experimental videogame architecture for BLDGBLOG. So that's hype for another blog I write for. Well done me.

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