Reprogramming The Dog: Oíche Mhaith
It's the season of goodwill. Thus there is no better time to play Terry Cavanagh and Increpare's Flash game about a family who start off swearing at each other and wind up somewhere far, far darker. Unutterably bleak yet strangely moving with it, Oíche Mhaith is an emotionally brutal but deeply compelling and occasionally perversely funny few minutes.
It's almost more a short story than a game, but the slight freedom of movement you do have succeeds in making you feel a part of the horror. As does the one moment of real choice also being the one glimmer of hope, but one that is ultimately dashed.
I will say no more as forewarning would reduce this vignette's effectiveness, but must warn that you should not play it if you are easily offended or in the presence of those who are, or indeed are in an even faintly good mood and hope to remain so.