Requiem For A Closed Beta
After toddling around in privileged-few status for a while, Korean horror MMO Requiem: Bloodymare has now thrown open its doors for an all-are-welcome open beta/stress test, which kicks off on the 15th. You can sign up right now, though - go put your name in the hat. No hurry, really - the game'll still be free when launched, though apparently there'll be some subscription stuff for those who crave yet more blood'n'metal bikinis.
I dare say I'll stumble over and take a look myself at some point, though trailers'n'that haven't been terribly inspiring (Lineage meets Clive Barker, from where I'm standing). For now though, more Conan, and my continued depression about perishing every time I fight more than two guys at once. Oh lord, why aren't I a better gamer?