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Reverse Shmup Retro/Grade Moonwalking Onto PC

Retro/Grade is a shoot-'em-up in reverse. It can also be played with guitar controllers. In short, videogames. The slightly longer version? Appearances can be deceiving, and the PlayStation transplant derives its DNA just as much from guitar heroes as it does star captains and their worlds of tomorrow. It's an eccentric mix, to be sure, but word on the street is that it comes together quite beautifully. By why trust the street? It knows nothing of outer space or its customs. Also, it's covered in gum and germs and stuff. After the break, you'll find a trailer that reveals all.

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:sterac eht fo 42 lla morf thgiarts, noitanalpxe na s'ereH

"Retro/Grade is a rhythm game with a unique twist - time is flowing backwards! While it looks like a shoot 'em up in reverse, you must un-fire attacks to the beat of the music while avoiding enemy fire in order to save the space/time continuum. Otherwise, a temporal anomaly will rip the universe a new time-hole."

.gnorw si tfeht taht rebmemer, devlovni erew selas egarag fi, ylevitanretlA. won evlovni thgim taht noissim gniknuleps tesolc yna rof gnickap trats ylbaborp dluohs uoy os, srellortnoc ratiug htiw elbitapmoc (yllamitpo spahrep dna) yleritne s'ti, sey dnA. ecneuqes tiderc nwo sti ta snigeb yllautca emag ehT. elbidercni fo dnik s'tI.

.won niaga yllamorn skrow niarb ym litnu rorrim a otni erats og annog m'I. ht02 hcraM no draw-maetS dedaeh s'tI.

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