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Rezzed: 5th RPS Indie Mud Wrestling Championships

Oh good gracious, Rezzed is this week. Friday and Saturday, in fact. And if the line-up wasn't already flipping impressive enough for you (playable Borderlands 2, Far Cry 3, Prison Architect, Natural Selection 2, Xenonauts, Skulls Of The Shogun, and tons more, along with speakers like Peter Molyneux, Randy Pitchfork, and RPS's very own game jam), it just got one hundred and seventy three thousand times better. Yes, we've waited until almost the last moment to organise announce the greatest event of them all: The 5th Annual International Rock, Paper, Shotgun Indie Mud Wrestling Championships.

This will take the form of a panel game quiz show thing, quizmasterhosted by me, Earth's John Walker, with two teams made up of Adam "Newboy" Smith, Andrew J "Spilt Milk" Smith, Alec "Not Called Smith" Meer, and David "Smudged Cat" Johnston, for possibly around 35 minutes of what might not be the most sensible of competitions. Perhaps not including mud wrestling.

Yes, sure, it's at 11am on Saturday, when you'll all have headaches from staying up too late on Friday, giggling and eating so many fizzy cola bottles. But if you missed out, and then heard about it afterwards, you'd be inconsolable.

Tickets are only £12 for the day on Saturday, or £20 for Friday as well. Which is pretty bargainous. Buy some! And included in that price is one big hug from me.

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