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Come To Rezzed, The PC Show We're Helping Out With

The problem with game shows and conferences is they're so console-dominated - while PC games are there, they're often lost behind all those Cliffy Molyneuxs and Medal of Duties. Hurrah then for Rezzed, which is taking place in the splendid seaside city (and my current home) of Brighton, UK this July. It's a new PC and indie-only show arranged by the goodly folk at Eurogamer - with a big fat helping hand or six from the extra-goodly folk at Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

We'll be doing stuff like co-curating an indie games showcase known as the Leftfeld Collection, arranging some talks, events and social thingers, hopefully a boardgame corner and making sure they don't accidentally include any Zelda games. More to come on that side of things soon.

Also planned for Rezzed are tournaments for games old and new (Quake will NEVER DIE), talks from devs including The Creative Assembly and Indie Stone (with many more to be confirmed), assorted playable upcomers on the show floor (such as Aliens: Colonial Marines), pop-up shops for hardware, software and boardgames, and a great view of what's increasingly Brighton's most famous landmark - the epic, disintegrating husk of the burned-down West Pier.

Photographer: Les Chatfield

Far more fulsome details will emerge closer to the time, but the major facts are these: Friday 6th and Saturday 7th July 2012 at the Brighton Centre, and tickets are on sale now, priced £12 for one day or £20 for a two-day ticket. More details can be found on Rezzed's book of faces page.

More soon!

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