Richard & Alice Want To Tell You A Story
I'm very much looking forward to Richard & Alice. And that's not because co-creator Lewis Denby has written for us in the past - I HATE HIM! It's because it looks incredibly good. (I don't really hate him.) Having played an early, short demo, I was entirely hooked by the adventure's tale of a peculiar world, perhaps post-apocalyptic, and the friendship of two imprisoned people within it. (I do hate him, but don't tell him.) You can get a taste for it too with the new trailer.
It must be said that it's not the most visually appealing trailer - compression hasn't done the simple graphics any favours. But this is story, man.
The two-man team behind it report that the game is now content complete and in internal beta, a year into development. They've launched an Indiegogo to raise the $2k they need to finish it off, and are over halfway there.
It will be playable at AdventureX on the 15th and 16th of this month, if you're around London at the time.
And no one could really hate him.