'Roid Rage: Space: The Return Of The Pixxelfrazzer
We are rocking in space.
Space: The Return Of The Pixxelfrazzer is answering a question about gaming that no-one thought to ask. It's an obvious one, too. Up there with "What is The Doctor's name?" (The answer is always "Jeff", btw. Jeff Who, Doctorman.). It asks: "Where was the ship in Asteroids coming from and where was it going?", then proceeds to answer that in an extraordinary burst of neon, quests, and physics. I started watching the trailer because Space: The Return Of The Pixxelfrazzer is a silly name, but by the end of it I was enthusiastically clicking the Greenlight page. There is a trailer and demo below.
It's really quite the thing. A procedurally-generated Asteroids with planets, space-stations, and quests. In the dark of space, you will have brief moments where it feels like Asteroids, where the ship slips through a clump of passing rocks on the winds of inertia and blasts those sky blocks to pieces, but from the brief play I had with the demo that's now a small part in an adventurous shooter. It feels like Asteroids, and the ship moves in that slippy way that you're well aware of, but it can be upgraded with dazzling weapons to take on an array of enemies in their home space. There's even a grappling hook.
If that got you interested, the demo is here.