Royal Quest In-Game Footage Already
Well, quite a lot of walking animations for the characters, for rather a long time. But then after a minute, the first footage of Katauri's new MMO, Royal Quest, shows us a glimpse of players playing. Hitting stuff. Weird stuff. Really weird stuff. It's below.
You can immediately tell this is the folks who brought us King's Bounty. The art and animation is instantly familiar, chunky and cuddly. Although its similarity to a certain other MMO developer sticks out a little when you first see their orc. The action focus is obvious. But I think the most important aspect to note is the man riding on the birdy-horse thing, reminding anyone of a certain age of Bernie Clifton. I do hope those are the player's legs on the ground, with floppy fake ones hanging over the side. Rock, Paper, Shotgun: your home for hardcore gaming analysis.