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RPS Asks: What Is Your Virtual Talent?

I suppose this question will largely be interpreted as "what game are you best at?" but I actually have a more specific motivation for asking. While I was probably best at Speedball 2 or Quake III in terms of raw twitchy gaminess, my best developed skill from a game was definitely fleet commanding in Eve Online. It was a skill within the overall mastery of the game. I wasn't the best pilot, or the best trader, or the best diplomat or best at Eve in any general sense, I was just really good at fleet commanding and running gangs. I'm a little sad that this skill is now languishing after years of work.

Anyway, it made me wonder whether you lot had any specific talents you'd like to share? Perhaps, unlike John, you are a particularly good healer? Or are you a brilliant WoW auction house ninja? Or something else more exotic? The most interesting claims will win points in the subgame of RPS that I call "keeping Jim amused while this DLC downloads".


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