RPS Asks: What MMOs Are You Playing?
MMOs are that peculiar genre, that everyone loves to hate, and also loves to play. And with a new clutch entering their betas at the moment (most notably Neverwinter and Wildstar), they're not going anywhere. So which are you currently throwing your subs or incremental payments at?
Is it still WoW? Clearly it is for millions upon millions of people. Or have you been wooed away by any of the many attempts to steal its crown? Perhaps The Secret World's emphasis on story has kept you hooked. Maybe you're a dieheard Wurm player, and nothing will drag you away. Or maybe you are devouring you way through a series of F2P modelled games to find the ones that click for you?
So, let us know which ones you're playing, and perhaps what it is about them that has you hooked. (For the sake of a worthwhile thread, please don't post to say that you're not playing any - that would somewhat defeat the point of learning which games are currently attracting the attentions of the RPS mobs.) Don't break any NDAs, but let us know if you're currently involved in betas too. Why? Because we're nosy.