RPS Asks: you to take our 2017 reader survey, please
It'll only take a few minutes
Every so often we arrive at your door, clipboard in hand, hoping you'll help us out by asking some questions. Like clockwork, here we are again with 2017's iteration of our reader survey. Do you have fifteen minutes to fill it in? We'd appreciate it a lot.
The questionnaire is full of straightforward questions such as, 'What websites do you read?', 'How often do you read them?' and 'Tick any box if RPS is the best one.' We'd also like to know about your gaming habits, like whether you ever plan on buying a VR headset. The answers to these questions help us in two ways: by giving us guidance in shaping our editorial, so we know how much to write about eg. VR headsets; and by hopefully improving our advertising, by making it more relevant to you and making sure we can get enough of it to keep Brendan fed with the bread and eggs that sustain him.
You'll notice that some of the questions aren't directly relevant to a PC games site, which is because the survey is being run across all Gamer Network sites. This lets us do things like work out exactly how much more handsome we are than Eurogamer, and how much taller we are than GamesIndustry.biz.
None of your answers require personally identifying information and if you do accidentally write out your name and address in the field asking you what game events you go to, we won't share that information with any third parties.
Here's the survey link again - thanks!