RPS Gaming Community Update
It just occurred to me that I've not been particularly pro-active with game nights and such of late, so I thought I might do a quick run down on some of the stuff that is going on with the community, as well as mention that there's probably going to be some Arma action this weekend. Not sure about times on that, will update with it later. In the meantime it's worth noting that the forum is a great place to finding gaming chums, particularly in the social clubs folder. Currently there's a call out to find Section 8 players, and a thread about MegaMek, which is a way of playing the Battletech boardgame online. Then there's the Blood Bowl league, which isn't looking for sign ups, but is nonetheless in progress and interesting, and a bunch of other things, such as a call out for Rift players. Last, but not least, there's the ongoing adventures of the community Minecraft server.
Anyone else want to pimp their exploits?
UPDATE: Arma 2 kicking off at 7pm (GMT+1) next Saturday. The ArmA 2 server can be found by filtering games by name for "rock", password rumpus. Mumble is at port 64738 (config guide at http://rockpapershotgun.com/rpsforum/topic.php?id=4093)