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RPS Asks: You To Take Our Reader Survey, Please

If you would be so kind.

There's more of you than there's ever been before, which means there's probably a lot we don't know about you. We have all sorts of questions. For example: how are you? Where did you get those dapper shoes? And would you be willing to take this reader survey in order to help us improve the website?

The survey asks a simple set of questions about what websites you read, what kinds of games you like to play, and what hardware you might buy this coming year. Don't worry: you don't have to give us any identifying information, such your name or where you got those dapper shoes. We won't steal your fash or share your fash with any third-parties.

In exchange for filling in the survey, you'll win two things. One, our unending thanks. Two, a better website in the long run. If you can help, we'd appreciate it. Here's the survey link again - thanks!

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