The Brighton RPS Social Is Born! (I.E. Pub, This Friday)
Beer and beards
Do you live in Brighton? Or near Brighton? Or above a hellmouth which connects to Brighton via eldritch magicks? Or intend to visit Brighton this Friday? Do you also enjoy PC videogames and consuming liquids? In which case, you should attend the inaugural Brighton RPS Social Club.
It's taking place in convivial North Laines pub The Fountainhead, at 7pm this Friday.
It's organised by Heroic Reader Ben Mereditch, and if you want to get more of sense of who's going to be there, how to recognise them and if there will be cake, make your presence known in this forum thread or comments below.
As a Brighton type myself, I'm hoping to pop in for a while, though it very much depends on how my nemesis' toddler's bedtime has gone. I'll certainly be at future ones even if the dark gods of milk and screaming decide I shall not be a free man this week.
Good luck, have fun, drink lots (but, er, sensibly).