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RPS Talk-o-Tron Talkback-o-Tron #4

Time for another round-up of the more interesting recent threads on our surprisingly gentlemanly forum. Bloodshed is surely just around the corner, but for now it's a hive of entertaining and illuminating game discussion. Yay, you.

  • Yahtzee's made a TV show with a couple of chums. Somehow watching all 30 minutes of the awful thing is likely to be one of my biggest regrets of 2008 - even more so than not managing to kill more puppies than I did last year - but what do you lot think?
  • Apparently dissatisfied with our own best of 2008 year coverage, THE BIG STOOPID WHINERS, a set of good folk devise their own PC gaming advent calendar. It's doing a grand job of covering the best indie games of the year, which admittedly have fallen a little between the cracks of our own coverage. One Mr M. Circus has christened it the Festivus Calendar-o-Truth, which is exactly the kind of thing we'd have called it. Inserting an -o- into any phrase makes it 38% funnier. FACT-O-TRUTH.

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