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Runescape Is Back, Back! BACK!

Jagex send word that their third iteration of the enormously popular fantasy MMO - Runescape 3 - has materialised on this internet, right here. The game is kicking off with a ten-week event, in which the players must battle for "Lumbridge". That might not sound very glamorous, but it gives players the chance to work together in PvP activities, with the ultimate goal of being champion of the event, and actually changing stuff in the world. Jagex explain: "You'll be able to join one of the two factions, and to collect divine tears - fragments of condensed, Guthixian energy that can be gathered through combat and skilling, both on the battlefield and off." Unpronounceable energies are the best kind.

Lovely trailer below.

You can sign up over here, and it's free, obviously.

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