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Better Slate Than Never: Rymdkapsel Coming To PC

Prepare To Prod

You know that Game of Thrones is an allegory of the horror of gaming on touchscreens, yeah? What else could "Winter is coming" be about other than the pain and suffering of trying to use a mobile phone or tablet device in the cold? It's clearly about having your nose pressed against the freezing glass, the horror of a snotty face finger prodding away in a clumsy mockery of what could be done in the days of warmth and plenty. So I am very happy to have the announcement trailer for rymdkapsel, a strategy game that could only be played on iThings and Google gadgets, is coming to the PC. It'll have a warm welcome and a place around my fire.

The colourful strategy game, a pared-down slab of austere finger-prodding, is about building up a space station. Why? There is no why, there is only do. You're working to build your station, following the vague orders that drop in like Tetris blocks. You're attempting to create an efficient base design that'll allow your automated minions to repel invaders and survive long enough to research the monoliths in the corners of the maps. It's about the flow.

The PC version will arrive on Steam in January, with more game modes, monoliths and missions clicking into place. Hooray!

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