Serious Sam 3's Big Fat Expansion
I know I played Serious Sam 3 at some point in the last three decades, but I'd be lying if I said I knew it was this year, or last year, or the year before... So many games, arriving so fast, sending me into a giddy tailspin of memories that all blend into each other, creating a miasma of settings, weapons, stories and muscle-memory control sets. The Unigame: that is where I live now.
Uh. Yes. Serious Sam 3. It has an add-on, it is called Jewel of the Nile, it is out tomorrow and it has a launch trailer.
Hmm. Does look rather more of the same to me, but I suppose it wouldn't be Serious Sam if it was some huge diversion. Plus, it appears to be more of the good bit of Serious Sam, the frenzied carnage in huge environments bit, as opposed to the weirdly slow and tedious opening few hours of the game.
It's $10 and, narrative(hah)-wise takes place midway through SS3, offering three new missions set in Egypt and the now-traditional building-sized boss. I have a funny feeling you might get to shoot something in them.