Settle Down: Free Settlers 7 Add-On
It's such a shame that Settlers 7 was overshadowed by the DRM issues around it. It's a wonderful piece of work, as pretty on the outside as the inside. You have to manufacture these great, heavy supply chains, working out all the puzzling kinks in them, and then you start swinging them around your head and beating the crap out of your opponents. Brilliant. As of this week it's just hit version 1.11, with the new patch adding not just a new map but a whole new "Occult Science" branch for the tech tree. Did you play it, readers? What did you think? Trailer for one of the game's two pay-for DLC packs follows...
Want to know even more about Settlers 7? Ooh, you're a hungry one. Here's my Eurogamer review.