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She's On The Phone: Still Life 2 Debut Trailer

Still Life 2 (the sequel to Still Life (the sequel to Post Mortem (no, really! (which John didn't like (I mean Still Life, not the sequel (which isn't out, so John would be very bad not to like it.)))))) was announced in the ancient history of the past. Like, the arse end of 2007. But it's coming out next year, and its debut trailer has just appeared online. You'll find it beneath the cut. I was going to do a sarcastic second-by-second break down, but frankly, I don't know what to make of it.

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Er... yes.

Anyway, here's some Still Life.

I wish there was more still life in the trailer. That's be awesome. I love fruit.

And here's Still Life, the awesomely melodramatic Suede record.

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More news when we've worked out what it all means.

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