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Ship Of The Iceberg: Starpoint Gemini 2

As we cast our ever-vigilant gaze to the starboard bow, we raise a brow to the sight of Starpoint Gemini 2 gently docking with Steam Early Access, a wild frontier station. We haven't heard from the space sim/RPG since 2011, when it first appeared, causing Jim to express conflicted thoughts (interesting, but not necessarily enjoyable or robust). The game is now in full 3d and the Gemini system is a cohesive area, with no loading screens to break up the gaps between stars. Players captain one of around seventy ships, controlling a single vessel rather than a fleet, although wingmen will be added at a later date. The developer's descriptions suggest there will be freedom to explore, salvage and fight, but it's not entirely clear how early this early access is. Trailer below.

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The discussion boards on Steam may help with your decision as to whether it's wise to access the Gemini system at this early stage.

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