Shooting The Moon: Lunar Flight Adds Multiplayer
It's no secret that I enjoy drifting around the moon in a tiny lander module. You'll rarely find me doing anything of scientific importance as I crunch into craters and rotate wildly and out of control - I'm there for the (lack of) atmosphere and the gentle calm of being so very alone in the dark. The spiffy Lunar Flight is no longer content with its cargo carrying and data discovery missions, however, as a multiplayer mode is currently in beta. It has rockets and violence. Lunacy.
Lunar Flight has been a soothing presence in my life, despite my repeated revolutionary death spirals, but I wouldn't object to lobbing the occasional missile in the direction of an adversary. The flight engine is well suited to the careful, tactical approach and the frantic desperate dodge alike. Both will end with modules gently kissing the moon's surface. The moon will respond by exploding them.
The beta is currently available to play on Steam. Instructions here.